Biological Psychology Career Requirements
Preparing for a Career in Biological Psychology Requirements for beginning your career in biological psychology vary by specialized discipline. The field of biological psychology (also known as psychobiology) represents the professional and scientific blending of social science with hard science. The career psychobiologist strives to understand the complex relationships between physical/chemical phenomena and human behavior. Studies in genetics, depth psychology, sociology, or environmental science may all contribute to a fundamental preparation in the field.
Those hoping to enter the career should begin training at the undergraduate level, pursuing an associates or bachelors degree in any number of related fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, or pre-med. Graduates of these programs may find entry-level employment with research facilities, university laboratories, with clinical psychologists, or social service agencies.
Working in Biological Psychology To really excel in the profession, graduates should combine practical work experience with advanced studies leading to masters and doctoral degrees in biological psychology. Research facilities are currently engaged in laboratory investigations of psychobiologic causes and treatments for medical disorders and diseases including Alzheimer's Disease, Anxiety Disorder, Clinical Depression, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Schizophrenia.
Post-graduate students may study electrophysiology, motor processes, motivational behavior, personality assessment, addiction diagnosis and treatment, public health policy, and human factors.
Graduate coursework may include detailed analysis of neurobiological theory and advanced behavioral techniques. Students can also study career niche fields of biofeedback, sleep behaviors, pharmacology, linguistic theory, memory, learning and cognition, neuro-immunology, cognitive reasoning, and post-graduate field work leading to a dissertation.
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